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With all the Harry Potter fervor occurring, and for a friend in need I came up with this template design for making Chocolate Frog boxes.

 As we discussed the concept on the Halloween-L, members chimed up and offered elements.

 All of which I am making available to everyone for their own use. 

 All the elements of this design are being offered thru my website willingly by the authors and designers, for use without changes, and are copywrite protected by the original artists.

 Myself and Marcee developed the patterns for making the box (based on screen captures provided by Keeba, and quick renderings done by the Vampire Damien).


 I highly recommend downloading a piece of software from AutoDesk to view and print the plans for the box.

 Its called Volo Viewer Express. It allows you to make mark-ups, and print the files. The link above will allow you to download it from the AutoDesk website, or you can download it from my web server.

 Here are the original plans in a .dwg v14 file that can be opened in Volo.

 Keeba will produce the artwork to be used on the box. 

 Jenna has offered up her Wizard Cards designs to enclose in the package with the Chocolate Frog. 

 The image above can be clicked on to see how the cards look. You can download the zip file that contains the cards in a word .doc, the fonts used to make the cards (you load them to your windows\fonts directory) and a short read me file about the cards, and how to go about producing them.

 Marcees plans are ready to go with graphics on them already, they were done in Print Artist, as soon as she sends me the .pa file I will add it to the zip file of her layout. She is also making a card set as well. As soon as I get the file, I will make it available.

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