You want a banner to use as a link to this site


All information presented on this website is presented 'as is', with no warranty, suitability, or fitness of purpose implied.
I do not accept any responsibility for any injury resulting from use or misuse of this information.

Your use of this information constitutes acceptance of these terms.

Please feel free to use any of these images
as link banners back to Minions Web and the Hallow-links page.

I will leave it up to you as far as using the original reference,
or if you would like to copy the file to your own server.
The code below will give you the basics
to adding any of these images to your html.

Some of these can be large, in file size and pixels.
Feel free to adjust them to suit your needs.

425 x 54 shown
468 x 60 actual

425 x 54 shown
468 x 60 actual

425 x 140 shown
477 x 158 actual

200 x 40 actual

425 x 127 shown
468 x 140 actual

425 x 54 shown
468 x 60  actual

180 x 100 actual
90 x 50 reduced

minionsweb.gif (37979 bytes)
160 x 100 actual

You are visitor # to this WEBSITE Since October 7th, 2001
Copyright © 1999-2003 Ten Men Productions. All rights reserved. Revised: May 02, 2005